Shadow Mountain Recovery Is Offering Anxiety Treatment Programs In Texas And New Mexico – Press Release

Shadow Mountain Recovery is offering treatment for anxiety disorders in Texas and New Mexico. The center is urging those suffering from anxiety to seek assistance, support, and treatment to prevent it from becoming a problem in their life.

According to the statistics from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), anxiety is the most common mental illness in the U.S. and it affects roughly 40 million adults (approximately 18 percent of the population) annually. The center says that anxiety disorders are extremely treatable, but less than 40 percent of sufferers receive proper treatment. Anxiety disorders can develop from a wide range of risk factors, which can include genetics, personality, life events, and brain chemistry. Individuals with an anxiety disorder are three to five times more likely to visit a health care provider and six times more likely to be placed in the hospital for psychiatric disorders than individuals who do not suffer from an anxiety disorder.

The center also says that anxiety is often found in conjunction with depression. Nearly 50 percent of individuals who have been diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Many individuals with an anxiety disorder typically suffer from depression at one point or another, and they are believed to come from the same biological vulnerability. The center says that because depression can frequently create the symptoms of anxiety (and vice versa), it is vital that an individual seek anxiety treatment. The center then talks about panic disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and phobias.

Panic disorder is a specific form of anxiety disorder that results in panic attacks, which are sudden feelings of terror for no particular reason. Its physical symptoms include dizziness, breathing difficulty, chest pain, and accelerated heart rate. Panic attacks can occur at any given time, at any location, and without any warning. In severe cases, fear will take over their lives culminating in a fear to even leave their houses. Therapy assists in showing individuals how to recognize and adjust thinking patterns that lead to a panic attack.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is another kind of anxiety disorder that is partially defined as including obsessions (upsetting, repeated thoughts). In an attempt to make these obsessions go away, individuals will do the same exact thing over and over again. These repeated actions are known as compulsions. Examples of obsessions include—but are not limited to—the fear of being hurt, germs, and more. Examples of compulsions include—but are not limited to—compulsively washing hands, checking on things, cleaning, counting, and other actions. When OCD is left untreated, it can take control of a person’s life.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often develops after seeing or living through a traumatic event, like a war, hurricane, physical abuse, rape, or a bad accident. PTSD causes the suffering individual to feel afraid and stressed even once the danger is over. PTSD has the ability to cause a variety of issues such as feeling worried, sad, or guilty, as well as feeling alone, having trouble sleeping or nightmares, flashbacks, feeling as if the traumatic event is occurring all over again, or angry outbursts. PTSD can occur at any time in life and can occur at various times in life for different individuals.

Phobia is another type of anxiety disorder; it is considered to be a very strong and unjustifiable fear of something that poses minimal to no actual danger. There are a variety of specific phobias. Individuals with phobias generally attempt to avoid whatever it is that causes their fear. They may experience symptoms such as a very strong sense to get away from the situation, panic, fear, trembling, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, and more. Medical treatments for individuals with phobias include medications, therapy, and likely, a combination of both.

The recovery center can be contacted at its phone number (855)-847-5684. There is also a contact form on its website for those suffering from anxiety to reach out and ask questions.


For more information about Shadow Mountain Recovery, contact the company here:

Shadow Mountain Recovery
(210) 750-6933
9601 McAllister Freeway
Suite 1108
San Antonio, Texas 78216