Gain knowledge during OCD Awareness Week

This year, OCD Awareness Week runs Oct. 14 through Oct. 20. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a treatable, neurobiological anxiety disorder with very distinct signs and symptoms. A person suffering with OCD has persistent thoughts and fears (obsessions) associated with repetitive behaviors (compulsions), which typically result in a short-lived relief of anxiety.

The obsessions and compulsions can be extremely time-consuming, causing significant emotional distress, and may greatly interfere with day-to-day functioning and interpersonal relationships. Individuals with OCD may go to great lengths to hide their obsessions and compulsions due to embarrassment and shame.

It is estimated that one in every 40 adults, and one in every 100 children suffer with OCD.

Support groups are an important tool for individuals with OCD, their family members and friends. Making a connection with others who are impacted by OCD provides a sense of community, and lets you know you are not alone in this struggle. You can gain valuable insight, practical ideas and support from other OCD sufferers in your area.

I am recovered from severe OCD and have been co-managing a page on Facebook, “Obsessive Compulsive Disorder / OCD Awareness” (17,000-plus “Likes”) for nine months. I also have my own page (“OCD Anxiety Awareness ‘Recovery Coach’”). You may connect with us for information, support or our online group.

I am in the process of starting an in-person group in Napa. Please contact me if you have interest.

Mee Rhorer / Napa