When you begin to experience several unwanted intrusive thoughts, chances are you might be developing an OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. In the medical realms, ADHD and Depression have a strong relation with OCD. Therefore having any of those will probably make you eventually develop an OCD as well.
However, OCD thoughts are not in any way related to a Bipolar Disorder; they’re completely different cases. The development of depression or OCD is highly related to the shifting of the level of the serotonin, a brain hormone responsible for transmitting nerve signals between nerve cells and would result to the narrowing of the blood vessels. Low levels of serotonin would result to changes in the temperament or mood of an individual. Another very common occurrence on depressed individuals is to develop OCD thoughts. Obsessive thoughts are typically uncomfortable and disturbing involving repulsive thoughts, even immoral and individuals who experience these often feels perverted and bad about themselves.
If a person is having a depression, his or her depression will produce obsessive thoughts like getting publicly humiliated. The common prescription to this kind of cases is doses of sleep inducing pills and drugs that rapidly increase serotonin levels.
You will be able to identify OCD thoughts through these characterizations:
1. OCD Thoughts differ from unwanted thoughts in a way that they interfere in the mind so suddenly and completely unintentional. They are very different from a regular preoccupation, where the person keeps on dwelling thoughts, although that they are very much already aware that the thoughts are unhealthy.
2. OCD thoughts cause considerable amount of distress to the individual having it. The recurring thoughts afflict the person’s mind malevolently and they would begin to feel imprisoned for not being able to get out from such a condition. Person experiencing these kinds of thoughts feel confused of being pleasured or guilty about the situation.
3. People having this struggle a lot to get it out of their minds, even to the extent of deliberately becoming elusive at situations or places that might trigger the thoughts again. They are in constant fear that things might go out of hand and there would be nothing they can do about it anymore and that they might commit something bad at the end.
4. OCD sufferers often feel deprived of hope in their present condition. As they are aware and conscious of their irrationality, the fact that they can’t do anything about no matter how much they want to get rid of it, remains true.
5. Obsessive thoughts likely defile an individual’s moral standards making him or her disgusted and evil about themselves. They would likely feel that they are religiously out casted for having been commencing such kinds of thoughts.
The best immediate way to deal with this is to generally comprehend that the entire situation is a mental process and that they mean absolutely nothing in real tangible terms. Understanding that there is not point of being guilty of the entire situation as they are not really happening in the real life. Moreover, being of aware in all of these will provide a sense of deterrence in every committing anything socially unacceptable.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com