Anxiety disorder is a type of mental health disorder that is characterised by excess fear, worry, or anxiety. This disorder includes panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. The symptoms of this disorder are excess stress, constant worrying, and fear, etc. There are many ways in which anxiety disorders develop. So, psychologist, Dr. Malini Saba, Founder and Chairman, Saba Group talks about the red flags that can trigger anxiety disorder and how to cope with it.
Lack of Quality Sleep
A lot has been said about getting 6-8 hours of sound sleep for a healthy mind and body. While not many will concur with this, however, sleep and mental health are closely interlinked. Sleep deprivation can severely impact one’s psychological state and mental health, leading to anxiety issues. One should keep an eye on their sleeping pattern, and seek help if they face insomnia, frequent nightmares, etc. Catching these early warnings can help eliminate the chances of developing anxiety.
Mulling over things that are beyond the control
In the current scenario, with the pandemic raging on, all of us are doing everything in our power to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe from the wrath of Covid-19. However, in some cases, in spite of the best efforts, the situation can deteriorate and can cause anxiety. In such times, it is better to focus on the situation at hand instead of dwelling on the negatives. This will help create a positive attitude and can lessen the chances of developing anxiety.
Alcohol abuse
Unwinding with a glass of wine or beer after a long day may sound tempting to many, however, alcohol dependence and subsequent abuse can be the reason for alcohol-induced anxiety. Also using alcohol as a crutch to overcome social anxiety, in reality, can worsen the symptoms. Since alcohol hampers the normal functioning of an individual, long-term abuse can induce panic attacks and even lead to PTSD. The best way to deal with alcohol-induced anxiety is to be mindful of your consumption and reach out for support from family and friends to tackle these difficult times.
One of the biggest contributors to the development of anxiety disorder is stress. In our day-to-day life, all of us endure stress. While we can’t completely eliminate it, however, it is necessary that we do not fall victim to it. Stress and anxiety go hand in hand where one heightens the symptoms of the other. If you suddenly have any of the physical symptoms ranging from severe headaches to unexplained spells of dizziness, it is time to take a breather and focus on calming your mind and relaxing your body. Breathing exercises are the best ways to do this.
Zero self-love
Treating your mind and body with a day of relaxation can do wonders and can also reduce the chances of developing any anxiety disorders. So, take a day off and indulge yourself in activities you enjoy and refresh your mind.
Side effects of medication
Every medication has side effects and it’s best to avoid them until absolute necessity. Few medications also contribute to the development of stress and can even induce panic-like symptoms. In such cases, it’s best to consult your doctor and consider changing the medication.
Also Read: Can breathing techniques improve your mental health? An expert opines
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